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publications in English

Eva Kocher, Digital work platforms at the interface of labour law, Blog “Futures of Work” (Bristol University Press), Issue 24, 29th November 2022

Eva Kocher, Digital Work Platforms at the Interface of Labour Law. Regulating Market Organisers, Hart Publishing 2022 ( )

Eva Kocher, Individual Rights as a Critique of Labour Law Collectivity. Looking at Labour Law from the Perspective of its Outsiders, in: Philosophical and Sociological Reflections on Labour Law in Times of Crisis (ed.: Eduardo von Adamovich/Marcel Zernikow), Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2022, S. 115-128

Eva Kocher, Employer’s Responsibility of Protection from Discrimination, Commentary on BVerfG, Nov 2, 2020 – 1 BvR 2727/19, International Labor Rights Case Law Journal 7 (2021) 206-211 ( )

Eva Kocher, Transnational labour law? “Corporate social responsibility” and the Law, in: Miriam Saage-Maaß, Peer Zumbansen, Michael Bader, Palvasha Shahab (ed.), Transnational Legal Activism in Global Value Chains. The Ali Enterprises Factory Fire and the Struggle for Justice, Springer Verlag, 2021, S. 187-208 (61.700 Zeichen) Open Access:

Eva Kocher, Reshaping the Legal Categories of Work: Digital Labor Platforms at the Borders of Labor Law. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 2021, 1(1), w1.1.2.

Ben Wagner/Joanna Bronowicka, Designing for Labour? Accountability and self-management in an app-based management, in: CHI’19: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 04–09,2019, Glasgow, UK .ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. (

Joanna Bronowicka, and Mirela Ivanova. 2020. ‘Resisting the Algorithmic Boss: Guessing, Gaming, Reframing and Contesting Rules in App-Based Management’. in Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Work: Making it, Faking it, and Breaking it. London: Pluto Press.

Seán King, On the Clock and Under Watch: A Review of the Literature on Electronic Employee Surveillance, with a focus on Call Centres. Arbeit | Grenze | Fluss - Work in Progress Interdisziplinärer Arbeitsforschung Nr. 3, Frankfurt (Oder): Viadrina.

Mirela Ivanova, Joanna Bronowicka, Eva Kocher and Anne Degner, The App as a Boss? Control and Autonomy in Application-Based Management, In: Koch, Jochen/Kocher, Eva/Weber, Klaus (Hrsg). Arbeit|Grenze|Fluss. Work in Progress interdisziplinärer Arbeitsforschung, Nr. 2, Frankfurt (Oder), 2018.