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Crossing Physical Borders

Symbol1 ©Miriam Büxenstein

Social sciences describe the current transformations of work as subjectivisation, dissolution of boundaries and/or precariousness. These analyses are partly mirrored in the labour law description of transformations as a crisis of the standard employment relationship.

An important aspect of the current transitions is a blurring of boundaries between employment and self-employment as a consequence of the dissolution of hierarchical organizations in favor of competition-led forms of organization and networks. Prime example for these processes can be found in forms of digital work within and outside of established workplaces, especially in the platform economy.

In this context, the Center concentrates on the following topics:

  • Employment, dependence and (new) self-employment
  • Transformation and re-invention of the concept of the employee
  • Crowdworking and work in the gig economy
  • Algorithmic management
  • New collectivities and forms of collectivisation
  • Boundaryless working hours and workplaces
  • Temporary agency work, subcontracted labour, employer cooperations and other triangular work relationships