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Why Viadrina?

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You can study law at many universities in Germany – so why here?

There are many good reasons:

  • Our faculty reaches top positions in comparisons of universities. The CHE university ranking recently awarded us top marks in almost all categories, and we came 4th in the studiVZ university survey.
  • We are part of a very modern, well-equipped university that has a clear profile.
  • Young people from some 70 nations study here.
  • We have a spacious and well-equipped library.
  • WLAN is available throughout the campus.
  • Personal contact between professors and students is part of our daily routine.
  • The fact that the student body is not excessively large encourages cohesion among students.
  • Small groups make orientation easier for new students.
  • Frankfurt has a lot to offer young people, with lots of discos, pubs and museums.
  • And if you want to breathe the air of the capital, Berlin is just an hour away by train.